An Interview with Divine Taylor of Divinez Sweet Treatz, LLC

Divine Taylor owns and runs Divinez Sweet Treatz, LLC where she specializes in sweet desserts such as cookies, pies, cake tarts or any idea you may have whether it’s adding something in the middle or creating a entirely new recipe altogether. Divinez Sweet Treatz, LLC is based out of Philadelphia.

 What was your motivation to start your own business?
The one thing that motivated me to start my own business is my passion for cooking and baking. I enjoy hosting gatherings and feeding people and they genuinely enjoy my cooking. Also I believe you can always put a spin or twist to traditional dishes. The 2nd thing that pushed me was Knowing one day I will be able to have a flexible schedule to enjoy life and I can also put my all into my Own projects and Be proud of my accomplishments.

Walk me through some of the first few steps you took to get to where you are today.
The few steps included a ton of research of what information I was going to need and also the education that goes behind being a baker, ie recipes, equipment, my own ideas to put into place for recipes. I made sure I obtained my LLC for starters, Logo, Opened a Business Checking account, ordered supplies, building to say the least. This is only the beginning and feel I have much work to do, but I understand everything happens in it's time, the best part is I can go by my own rules with my creations. Possibilities

What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Being comfortable with allowing other people outside of family try my desserts. Me just being comfortable with taking a leap of faith, while others doubted me. Decorating rating desserts is on the list as well.

How did you over come this challenge?
 I currently work a full time job, I would bring in samples of Cupcakes and put my twist to them with a surprise in the middle. Also with parties I would host or attend, I would start bring samples of cake slices for all to try.   The way I came over my fear was I just did it... I didn't discuss it too much I just put my plan into action. Surrounding yourself around those who are working on being entrepreneurs helped as well.  At the end of the day you will always be judged therefore you have to do what is best for you and what makes you happy. For Me that would include bringing people together and  making their tummies smile. As for decorating desserts, its not a bad thing but I will continue to take classes and use you-tube with assisting me in decorating desserts. 

A young person walks up to you asking for advice with only a few minutes, what is your best advice.
Its okay to be different and never allow anyone to stop your growth and progress in life. With every new beginning it may be scary but you will over come all with dedication and the passion you have for craft. Like NAS said "The World Is Yours"

Want to learn more about Divine and Divinez Sweet Treatz, LLC? She can be contacted:

Phone: (302) 803-6681
Instagram: @DST4U

Hours of operations: Mon-Sat 8:30-6:00pm

What questions do you wished I would have asked?
